Americans should decide American elections. This is common sense and fundamental to our democracy. But Democrats are allergic to common sense, and they do not want our elections to be secure. They have put America last, and non-citizens first, by opening our borders, dismantling election safeguards and embracing non-citizen voting. We deserve a secure system where our future is decided by our citizens, not this anti-American version of the Democrats. Led by Vice President Kamala Harris, they have undermined our country at every turn, welcomed the invasion at the border and encouraged non-citizens to cancel the voice of Americans. 

The invasion at the border is flooding non-citizens into our country at staggering rates. The Biden-Harris administration inherited the most secure border in modern history, but immediately dismantled the Trump policies that worked. Since the beginning of their administration, they have allowed nearly 10 million illegal migrants to cross our southern border.  

These illegal aliens include skyrocketing numbers of known terrorists, drug dealers and violent criminals, who have wreaked havoc in our communities. By any normal assessment, it is an invasion. But the Democrat regime, and their propaganda arm the mainstream media, cover it up and welcome criminals to cross our doorstep. 


Biden’s border czar VP – turned presidential candidate Harris – has failed Americans with her devastating performance at the border. She has not spoken to the Border Patrol chief, she has only visited the border once (years ago), and she has allowed more than 40% of catch and release migrants to totally disappear.  

In April 2017, Harris shared her belief that an “undocumented immigrant is not a criminal” – and her extremist policies and rhetoric show she means it. Meanwhile, the illegal aliens who broke the law to enter this country will certainly have no qualms about breaking the law to vote. But that doesn’t seem to matter to Harris because she’s counting on their vote. 

On paper, only citizens are allowed to vote in our elections. But this law is toothless, and the vast majority of states do not require proof of citizenship. Even in Harris’s residences of San Francisco and Washington, D.C., non-citizens are explicitly allowed to vote in certain elections.  

In July, House Republicans – and only five Democrats – passed the SAVE Act, which would require documentary proof of citizenship to cast a ballot. Biden promised a veto before it even came up for a vote in the House – citing that illegal immigrants could be deported if they do vote.  

But Harris has failed to push back on the 99.7% of illegal immigrants released into the U.S. who are set on staying here, and it would be ludicrous to believe Harris would support deporting an illegal immigrant for voting. According to the White House, “it is extraordinarily rare for noncitizens to break the law by voting.”  

If the Biden and Harris administration insists it’s only a small problem, I’m inclined to believe it’s a big one. But regardless, shouldn’t we be doing everything to fix any problem that could jeopardize our elections? 

Across the country, Democrats have passed laws to allow non-citizen voting. Leftist groups have filed lawsuits to remove commonsense election safeguards and open the system to chaos and fraud. In stark contrast, former President Donald Trump’s top priority is to protect the vote and make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. 

The Trump Campaign and RNC’s election integrity operation is waging legal battles across the country to stop non-citizen voting. In New York, we successfully stopped the Democrat scheme to have 800,000 non-citizens vote in New York City.  


We are suing Burlington, Vermont, for allowing non-citizens to vote and influence statewide issues. In North Carolina, we have recently won a case allowing election officials to use jury questionnaires to keep non-citizens off the rolls – meaning if someone can’t serve on a jury because they’re not a citizen, they can’t vote.  

In Arizona, we have won several critical victories to stop non-citizen voting and continue to fight the issue in court. These are commonsense solutions, if you put America First. 

Open and ignore the border. Encourage non-citizens to vote. Dismantle election safeguards. What does this all add up to? Democrats have a clear plan: allow law-breaking illegal aliens to overrun the border and remove barriers to the ballot box. This is election interference, and we must stop it. 

Protecting Americans’ right to decide the future of our country is our top priority, and we’re doing everything possible to stop non-citizen voting. But the most important thing we can do is to send President Trump back to the White House.  

He will secure the border and secure our elections on day one. He will put America First every day. This is the ultimate fight for our country, and we need you in it. We have to swamp the vote, and we have to protect it, and none of us can sit on the sidelines.  

Make a plan to vote and encourage your family and friends to do so. If you can take the extra step, sign up as a volunteer to protect our election at We have to save America, and we have to do it now.