There’s one group in Congress fighting hard to fund law enforcement, prevent violent crimes, improve public safety and crack down on illicit drugs, but it might not be who you think it is – it’s the New Dems. 

We all know two political parties make up Congress, but within these two parties, there are coalitions of folks who align themselves from the most extreme to the moderates. 

In the House of Representatives, there is a group of 100 center-left House Democrats dedicated to breaking through partisanship to solve America’s most-pressing problems, including fighting crime and keeping our communities safe. We’re part of the New Democrat Coalition, or the New Dems.  


The House majority is advocating for massive funding cuts to law enforcement, trying to eliminate common-sense protections against gun violence, and blocking deals that would restore order at the southern border. New Dems, on the other hand, are fighting to make communities safer.  

To address crime, we need prevention and accountability. This means providing law enforcement with the resources they need to not only catch folks who commit violent crimes but also more effectively build police-community relations. It also means investing in mental health treatment, workforce development programs, housing and job training to prevent recidivism.  

Congress has failed to act, and we need solutions. That’s why New Dems are pushing for action on a slate of 15 bills that will strengthen law enforcement’s ability to both respond and address root causes of crimes, including mental health disorders, illicit firearms and drugs, and empower people to make their communities safer. 

Law enforcement agencies around the country are understaffed and need more support. I introduced the bipartisan “Enhancing COPS Hiring Program Grants for Local Law Enforcement Act” that addresses the understaffing crisis in law enforcement agencies nationwide. This bill would expand the COPS Hiring Program by allowing local law enforcement agencies to use grants for recruitment and retention bonuses.  

We need to support our law enforcement and ensure they have the resources necessary for disruptions and crime. In many cases, this means relying on community and social experts to react to non-violent crimes. The New Dem-endorsed bills will help achieve this goal. California Rep. Josh Harder’s “Supporting the Health and Safety of Law Enforcement Act of 2023” would embed social workers within law enforcement agencies, helping to ensure proportional and effective responses to mental health- and substance-use-related 911 calls.  

Through Nevada Rep. Steven Horsford’s “Break the Cycle of Violence Act,” Congress can provide communities with grant funding to help establish community violence interventions and violence prevention programs.  


There’s been a steep uptick in auto theft cases with a motor vehicle stolen every 32 seconds in the U.S., as reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. To combat this trend, New Dems endorsed New Jersey Rep. Mikie Sherrill’s “Auto Theft Prevention Act,” which would increase funding for law enforcement agencies to prevent auto theft and crack down on stolen vehicle trafficking. 

We’re in a gun-violence epidemic, with gun violence being the leading cause of death for children in the U.S. As a father of two young kids, and a former teacher, I understand what it’s like to drop your kid off at school and remember what they’re wearing just in case the worst happens.  

Our office joined in on co-sponsoring three major pieces of legislation on universal background checks, an assault weapons ban and Ethan’s Law – a bill that would require gun owners to store their firearms in a secure gun storage or safety device if a minor is likely to access it without permission. 

New Dems are bringing bipartisanship and a holistic approach to not only public safety, but to the big issues facing Americans.  

Under Democratic leadership, we’ve invested more in funding law enforcement agencies than ever before – securing $400 million in the last year. The American people want to be safe and it’s our job as legislators to help. We look forward to working with our colleagues on the other side of the aisle to put partisanship aside and work with us on a lasting solution to make Americans safer in red, blue, and purple communities.