Vice President Kamala Harris has just unveiled a proposal that’s as misguided as it is dangerous: capping grocery prices to prevent so-called “price gouging” by large grocery chains. On the surface, it might sound like a noble attempt to shield American consumers from rising costs, but make no mistake — this is a deeply flawed idea that would do far more harm than good. In fact, it’s nothing short of an economic train wreck in the making. 

Harris’s proposal hinges on the notion that grocery stores are pocketing obscene profits at the expense of struggling families. But this narrative is nothing more than political grandstanding. The truth is that grocery stores operate on razor-thin profit margins, typically between 1-3%. This is an industry where a few cents can make or break a business.  

And let’s not forget the farmers. These are the people who work tirelessly to put food on our tables, and they’re already struggling to stay afloat. As stated in a recent John Locke Foundation report, rising costs for fuel, fertilizer and labor, along with unpredictable weather and market volatility, have left many farmers on the brink of financial ruin. Harris’s proposal threatens to push them over the edge.  


If grocery stores can’t pass on the increased costs of production, they’ll squeeze their suppliers — our farmers — until they’re forced out of business. And when farmers go under, it’s not just their livelihoods at stake — it’s our entire food supply. 

But Harris’s plan isn’t just economically disastrous — it’s also profoundly ignorant of the real reasons behind rising grocery prices. The vice president would have us believe that “corporate greed” is to blame, but the reality is far more complex.  


Various supply chain challenges, rising input costs due to inflation and unpredictable weather patterns such as drought have all contributed to driving up food prices. None of those issues will be solved by capping prices at the checkout line. 

In fact, price caps are likely to make things worse. It could lead to shortages, as grocery stores may no longer find it profitable to stock certain items. Picture this: empty shelves, less variety and longer lines — all because of a misguided attempt to win political points.  

Price caps could also stifle investment in the food supply chain, leading to further inefficiencies and even higher prices down the road. And let’s not forget the impact on small grocery stores, which could be driven out of business entirely, leaving the market to be dominated by a few large players who can weather the storm. 

Harris’s proposal is nothing short of economic vandalism. It’s a cynical ploy to score political points at the expense of both farmers and consumers. Rather than addressing the root causes of high food prices — such as supply chain inefficiencies, labor shortages and rising production costs — Harris is proposing a Band-Aid solution that would only cause the wound to fester. If she’s serious about helping American families, she should focus on supporting farmers, reducing regulatory burdens, and improving supply chain resilience. 

In the end, Kamala Harris’s grocery price caps are a textbook example of how bad policy can be designed to win votes rather than address problems. It’s a short-sighted ploy that, instead of helping consumers, would lead to higher prices, fewer choices and a weakened agricultural sector. Harris’s proposal might get her a few points in the polls, but in reality, it’s nothing more than a recipe for disaster.