Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced her House resolution to censure “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., accusing her of “antisemitic activity” and “sympathizing with terrorist organizations.”

Greene dropped her resolution to force a House vote to censure Tlaib on Thursday, the day after the House elected its new speaker, Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson.

“I just introduced my resolution to censure Rashida Tlaib as privileged to force a House vote in two legislative days,” Greene wrote online.


“Tlaib led a pro-Hamas insurrection into the Capitol complex, has repeatedly displayed her anti-Semitic beliefs, and shown her hatred for Israel,” she continued.

“She must be held accountable and censured,” Greene added.

Greene read her resolution on the House floor on Thursday while introducing the legislation.

Fox News Digital reached out to Tlaib’s office but did not receive a response.

Greene previously told Fox News Digital that the Democratic Party “has done nothing to hold [Tlaib] accountable” and have “done nothing to rein her in, and no one else here has done it.”

“And so I thought it was right to list examples of – this isn’t just new,” Greene said. “This isn’t a one-off thing. This is exactly who she is.”

Greene accused Tlaib of leading a pro-Palestinian protest on Capitol Hill last week. Hundreds of demonstrators called for a ceasefire after the terror group Hamas staged an unprecedented, bloody incursion from the Palestinian exclave of Gaza into southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing hundreds of civilians and prompting an ongoing response from the Israeli military.

Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American member of Congress, spoke at the protest, during which activists took over much of the ground floor at the Cannon House Office Building. 

In those comments, she blamed Israel for bombing a hospital in Gaza – remarks she did not retract after multiple intelligence agencies said that existing proof indicated the blast came from a misfired Hamas rocket.

Greene called the protest “an insurrection” in her resolution.

In the resolution, Greene also referenced Tlaib’s endorsement of a slogan used by Hamas and the Palestine Liberation Organization. She also recalled Tlaib’s past comments in which she called Israel “an apartheid government.”

Fox News Digital’s Elizabeth Elkind contributed reporting.