WARNING SIGNS – Doctors share when to seek medical attention for a cold or the flu. Continue reading…
COMFORT FOOD – Does chicken soup really help cure a cold? Two doctors weigh in. Continue reading…
SLEEP STRUGGLES – Americans share what’s keeping them up at night and their worst sleep habits. Continue reading…
‘LIFE’S ESSENTIAL 8′ – Adopting these healthy habits could slow your biological age, experts say. Continue reading…
SLEEPY AT THE WHEEL – A surprisingly large number of teens admit to drowsy driving. Continue reading…
PANDEMIC TRAUMA – Nearly four years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. population is still experiencing the aftermath. Continue reading…
FOREIGN BODIES – These are some of the strange things that have gotten stuck inside people’s bodies. Continue reading…
CANCER BREAKTHROUGH – A new cervical cancer medication has been shown to raise survival rates by 30%. Continue reading…
DOCTOR DROPOUTS – A quarter of U.S. medical students consider quitting school and most may not treat patients, a new survey finds. Continue reading…